

blend(src: PointSignal, dest: PointSignal, config: {mode: Shaders.BlendMode}): PointSignal blend(src: PointSignal, dest: Point4DSignal, config: {mode: Shaders.BlendMode}): Point4DSignal blend(src: Point4DSignal, dest: PointSignal, config: {mode: Shaders.BlendMode}): Point4DSignal blend(src: Point4DSignal, dest: Point4DSignal, config: {mode: Shaders.BlendMode}): Point4DSignal

Blends two colors with the specified blending mode. When a color is passed as PointSignal its alpha value is considered to be 1. When both colors are passed as PointSignal (i.e. without the alpha channel), the result is also PointSignal.


colorSpaceConvert(color: PointSignal, config: {inColorSpace: Shaders.ColorSpace, outColorSpace: Shaders.ColorSpace}): PointSignal colorSpaceConvert(color: Point4DSignal, config: {inColorSpace: Shaders.ColorSpace, outColorSpace: Shaders.ColorSpace}): Point4DSignal

Converts a color from the input color space to the output colorspace.


composition(f: (val: GenericA) => GenericB, g: (val: GenericI) => GenericA): (val: GenericI) => GenericB composition(f: (val: GenericA) => GenericB, g: GenericA): GenericB

Returns a signal for the shader composition of the two given functions (e.g. texture and a transform).


derivative(val: GenericVector, config: {derivativeType: Shaders.DerivativeType}): GenericVector

Returns a signal for the specified shader derivative of the given signal.


fallback(main: Generic, fallback: Generic): Generic fallback(main: GenericFunction, fallback: GenericFunction): GenericFunction

Forwards the main input if present, otherwise uses fallback.


fragmentStage(val: Generic): Generic fragmentStage(val: GenericFunction): GenericFunction

Places the subsequent computation on val to the fragment stage.


functionScalar(): (val: ScalarSignal) => ScalarSignal

Returns a signal for the identity function over the specified type.


functionVec2(): (val: Point2DSignal) => Point2DSignal

Returns a signal for the identity function over the specified type.


functionVec3(): (val: PointSignal) => PointSignal

Returns a signal for the identity function over the specified type.


functionVec4(): (val: Point4DSignal) => Point4DSignal

Returns a signal for the identity function over the specified type.


gradient(config: {type: Shaders.GradientType}): Texture2d_1ch

Returns a signal for the specified gradient.


renderTargetSize(): Point2DSignal

Returns a signal of the current render target's size.


sdfAnnular(sdf: TextureSdf, width: ScalarSignal): TextureSdf

Returns a signal of the given SDF shape made annular (ring-like) by the specified width.


sdfCircle(center: Point2DSignal, radius: ScalarSignal): TextureSdf

Returns a signal for a circle SDF shape.


sdfComplement(sdf: TextureSdf): TextureSdf

Returns a signal of the complement of the given SDF shape.


sdfDifference(sdf1: TextureSdf, sdf2: TextureSdf): TextureSdf

Returns a signal of the difference of the two given SDF shapes.


sdfEllipse(center: Point2DSignal, halfSize: Point2DSignal): TextureSdf

Returns a signal for an ellipse SDF shape.


sdfFlip(sdf: TextureSdf, offset: Point2DSignal, normal: Point2DSignal): TextureSdf

Returns a signal of the given SDF shape flipped around the plane given by the offset an normal.


sdfHalfPlane(offset: Point2DSignal, normal: Point2DSignal): TextureSdf

Returns a signal for a half-plane SDF shape.


sdfIntersection(sdf1: TextureSdf, sdf2: TextureSdf): TextureSdf

Returns a signal of the intersection of the two given SDF shapes.


sdfLine(offset: Point2DSignal, normal: Point2DSignal, halfWidth: ScalarSignal): TextureSdf

Returns a signal for a line SDF shape.


sdfMix(sdf1: TextureSdf, sdf2: TextureSdf, alpha: ScalarSignal): TextureSdf

Returns a signal of the linear interpolation of the two given SDF shapes, modulated by alpha.


sdfPolygon(center: Point2DSignal, radius: ScalarSignal, numSides: ScalarSignal, config: {sdfVariant: Shaders.SdfVariant}): TextureSdf

Returns a signal for a polygon SDF shape.


sdfRectangle(center: Point2DSignal, halfSize: Point2DSignal, config: {sdfVariant: Shaders.SdfVariant}): TextureSdf

Returns a signal for a rectangle SDF shape.


sdfRepeat(sdf: TextureSdf, pivot: Point2DSignal, size: Point2DSignal): TextureSdf

Returns a signal of the given SDF shape's grid repetition. The shape should be centered on the pivot and fit within the given size.


sdfRotation(sdf: TextureSdf, pivot: Point2DSignal, angle: ScalarSignal): TextureSdf

Returns a signal of the given SDF shape rotated around the given pivot by the given angle.


sdfRotationalRepeat(sdf: TextureSdf, pivot: Point2DSignal, radius: ScalarSignal, numTimes: ScalarSignal): TextureSdf

Returns a signal of the given SDF shape's rotational repetition numTimes at the given radius. The shape should be centered on the pivot and fit within the angular sector defined by numTimes at the given radius.


sdfRound(sdf: TextureSdf, radius: ScalarSignal): TextureSdf

Returns a signal of the given SDF shape rounded by the specified radius.


sdfScale(sdf: TextureSdf, pivot: Point2DSignal, size: Point2DSignal): TextureSdf

Returns a signal of the given SDF shape scaled around the given pivot by the given size.


sdfShear(sdf: TextureSdf, pivot: Point2DSignal, shear: Point2DSignal): TextureSdf

Returns a signal of the given SDF shape scaled around the given pivot by the given shear amount.


sdfSmoothDifference(sdf1: TextureSdf, sdf2: TextureSdf, K: ScalarSignal): TextureSdf

Returns a signal of the smooth difference of the two given SDF shapes, modulated by K.


sdfSmoothIntersection(sdf1: TextureSdf, sdf2: TextureSdf, K: ScalarSignal): TextureSdf

Returns a signal of the smooth intersection of the two given SDF shapes, modulated by K.


sdfSmoothUnion(sdf1: TextureSdf, sdf2: TextureSdf, K: ScalarSignal): TextureSdf

Returns a signal of the smooth union of the two given SDF shapes, modulated by K.


sdfStar(center: Point2DSignal, radius1: ScalarSignal, radius2: ScalarSignal, numSides: ScalarSignal): TextureSdf

Returns a signal for a star SDF shape.


sdfTranslation(sdf: TextureSdf, offset: Point2DSignal): TextureSdf

Returns a signal of the given SDF shape translated by the given offset.


sdfTwist(sdf: TextureSdf, pivot: Point2DSignal, twist: ScalarSignal): TextureSdf

Returns a signal of the given SDF shape twisted around the pivot by the given amount.


sdfUnion(sdf1: TextureSdf, sdf2: TextureSdf): TextureSdf

Returns a signal of the union of the two given SDF shapes.


textureSampler(texture: Texture2d_1ch, uv: Point2DSignal): ScalarSignal textureSampler(texture: Texture2d_2ch, uv: Point2DSignal): Point2DSignal textureSampler(texture: Texture2d_3ch, uv: Point2DSignal): PointSignal textureSampler(texture: Texture2d_4ch, uv: Point2DSignal): Point4DSignal

Samples the given texture at the specified uv coordinates.


textureTransform(texture: Texture2d_1ch, transform: Matrix3): Texture2d_1ch textureTransform(texture: Texture2d_2ch, transform: Matrix3): Texture2d_2ch textureTransform(texture: Texture2d_3ch, transform: Matrix3): Texture2d_3ch textureTransform(texture: Texture2d_4ch, transform: Matrix3): Texture2d_4ch

Transforms the given texture with the specified Mat3 transform.


vertexAttribute(config: {[variableName: string]: Shaders.VertexAttribute}): GenericVector

Returns a signal for the specified vertex attribute depending on the VertexAttribute used: VertexAttribute.POSITION: Point4DSignal VertexAttribute.NORMAL: PointSignal VertexAttribute.TANGENT: Point4DSignal VertexAttribute.TEX_COORDS: Point2DSignal VertexAttribute.COLOR: Point4DSignal VertexAttribute.BASE_POSITION: Point4DSignal


vertexTransform(config: {[variableName: string]: Shaders.BuiltinUniform}): GenericMatrix

Returns a signal for the specified vertex transform depending on the BuiltinUniform used: BuiltinUniform.MVP_MATRIX: Matrix4 BuiltinUniform.MV_MATRIX: Matrix4 BuiltinUniform.M_MATRIX: Matrix4 BuiltinUniform.V_MATRIX: Matrix4 BuiltinUniform.P_MATRIX: Matrix4 BuiltinUniform.VP_MATRIX: Matrix4 BuiltinUniform.NORMAL_MATRIX: Matrix3 BuiltinUniform.INV_M_MATRIX: Matrix4 BuiltinUniform.INV_V_MATRIX: Matrix4 BuiltinUniform.INV_P_MATRIX: Matrix4

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