
The AnimationModule class implements object animation.


// The following example demonstrates how to animate the properties of an object
// using drivers and samplers.
// Project setup:
// - Insert a plane

// Load in the required modules
const Animation = require('Animation');
const FaceTracking = require('FaceTracking');
const Scene = require('Scene');

// Locate the plane in the Scene
const plane = Scene.root.find('plane0');

// Animate the plane's vertical scale according to mouth openness

// Store a reference to the mouth openness signal of a detected face
const mouthOpenness = FaceTracking.face(0).mouth.openness;

// Create a value driver using the mouth openness with the output normalized and
// clamped between 0.1 and 0.6
const mouthOpennessDriver = Animation.valueDriver(mouthOpenness, 0.1, 0.6);

// Create a sampler with a linear change from 1 to 2
const linearSampler = Animation.samplers.linear(1, 2);

// Create an animation combining the driver and sampler
const scaleAnimation = Animation.animate(mouthOpennessDriver, linearSampler);

// Bind the scale animation signal to the y-axis scale signal of the plane
plane.transform.scaleY = scaleAnimation;

// Animate the plane's horizontal position continuously

// Create a set of time driver parameters
const timeDriverParameters = {

  // The duration of the driver
  durationMilliseconds: 1500,

  // The number of iterations before the driver stops
  loopCount: Infinity,

  // Should the driver 'yoyo' back and forth
  mirror: true


// Create a time driver using the parameters
const timeDriver = Animation.timeDriver(timeDriverParameters);

// Create a sampler with a quadratic change in and out from -5 to 5
const quadraticSampler = Animation.samplers.easeInOutQuad(-5, 5);

// Create an animation combining the driver and sampler
const translationAnimation = Animation.animate(timeDriver, quadraticSampler);

// Bind the translation animation signal to the x-axis position signal of the plane
plane.transform.x = translationAnimation;

// Start the time driver (unlike value drivers this needs to be done explicitly)





(get) samplers: SamplerFactory (set) (Not Available)

Specifies an instance of a SamplerFactory object.





animate(driver: Driver, sampler: ScalarSampler): ScalarSignal animate(driver: Driver, sampler: ArrayOfScalarSamplers): ArrayOfScalarSignals animate(driver: Driver, sampler: RotationSampler): RotationSignal animate(driver: Driver, sampler: ColorSampler): RgbaSignal

Combines the driver and the sampler to create a signal that can be used to animate arbitrary properties of arbitrary objects.

For TimeDriver-based animations the animation will start only when TimeDriver.start is invoked.


timeDriver(timeDriverParams: {durationMilliseconds: number, loopCount: ?number, mirror: ?boolean}): TimeDriver

Returns a TimeDriver object that drives an animation for the specified parameters. loopCount defines the number of iterations before the time driver stops; this can be infinity. When mirror is TRUE, the time driver follows a yoyo effect with every odd iteration going forwards and every even iteration going backwards.


valueDriver(value: ScalarSignal, min: number, max: number): ValueDriver

Returns a ValueDriver object that drives an animation based on values emitted from a ScalarValue. The signal values are normalized and clamped to maximum and minimum values.




The ArrayOfScalarSamplers class describes an array of scalar samplers.

The ArrayOfScalarSignals class describes an array of scalar signals.

The ColorSampler class encapsulates a color sampler.

The Driver class encapsulates an animation driver.

The RotationSampler class is an animation sampler for object rotation.

The SamplerFactory class creates different types of animation samplers.

The ScalarSampler class encapsulates a scalar value sampler.

The SignalRecord class encapsulates recording data for a value signal

The SignalRecorder class enables recording and playback of signal values

The TimeDriver class controls an animation.

The ValueDriver class controls an animation value.

Last updated

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