The FaceTracking2DModule class enables tracking faces in 2D.
// The following example demonstrates how to bind the position of a rectangle to
// a 2D face.
// Project setup:
// - Insert a rectangle
// Load in the required modules
const FaceTracking2D = require('FaceTracking2D');
const Scene = require('Scene');
// Locate the rectangle in the Scene and store its transform
const rectangle = Scene.root.find("rectangle0");
const rectangleTransform = rectangle.transform;
// Locate the canvas in the Scene and store the width and height
const canvas = Scene.root.find("canvas0");
const canvasBounds = canvas.bounds;
const canvasBoundsWidth = canvasBounds.width;
const canvasBoundsHeight = canvasBounds.height;
// Store the bounding box center of a detected face
const face2D = FaceTracking2D.face(0);
const face2DBounds = face2D.boundingBox;
const face2DBoundsCenter =;
// Convert the normalized screen space value for x and y by multiplying by the
// width and height of the canvas
const scaledX = face2DBoundsCenter.x.mul(canvasBoundsWidth);
const scaledY = face2DBoundsCenter.y.mul(canvasBoundsHeight);
// Subtract the half the width/height to center the plane correctly and multiply
// the y-position by -1, this is necessary because 0,0 in the canvas is the
// bottom left of the device
const rectangleX = scaledX.sub(canvasBoundsWidth.div(2));
const rectangleY = scaledY.sub(canvasBoundsHeight.div(2)).mul(-1);
// Bind the new values to the x and y-axis positions of the rectangle
rectangleTransform.x = rectangleX;
rectangleTransform.y = rectangleY;
(get) count: ScalarSignal (set) (Not Available)
Returns a ScalarSignal representing the number of faces tracked in the scene.
face(index: number): Face2D
Returns the Face2D object from the detected face array at the specified index.