
The SamplerFactory class creates different types of animation samplers.


bezier(p0: number, p1: number, p2: number, p3: number): ScalarSampler bezier(p0: Array<number>, p1: Array<number>, p2: Array<number>, p3: Array<number>): ArrayOfScalarSamplers

Returns a sampler object that generates values of a cubic Bezier curve with the specified control points. The control points are assumed to be equidistant along the parameter axis.


constant(value: number): ScalarSampler constant(value: Array<number>): ArrayOfScalarSamplers

Returns a sampler that returns the same value at all points in the animation.


easeInBack(beginValue: number, endValue: number): ScalarSampler easeInBack(beginValue: Array<number>, endValue: Array<number>): ArrayOfScalarSamplers

Easing sampler. Behaves similarly to the linear sampler, but with easing functions at the beginning and/or end.


easeInBounce(beginValue: number, endValue: number): ScalarSampler easeInBounce(beginValue: Array<number>, endValue: Array<number>): ArrayOfScalarSamplers

Easing sampler. Behaves similarly to the linear sampler, but with easing functions at the beginning and/or end.


easeInCirc(beginValue: number, endValue: number): ScalarSampler easeInCirc(beginValue: Array<number>, endValue: Array<number>): ArrayOfScalarSamplers

Easing sampler. Behaves similarly to the linear sampler, but with easing functions at the beginning and/or end.


easeInCubic(beginValue: number, endValue: number): ScalarSampler easeInCubic(beginValue: Array<number>, endValue: Array<number>): ArrayOfScalarSamplers

Easing sampler. Behaves similarly to the linear sampler, but with easing functions at the beginning and/or end.


easeInElastic(beginValue: number, endValue: number): ScalarSampler easeInElastic(beginValue: Array<number>, endValue: Array<number>): ArrayOfScalarSamplers

Easing sampler. Behaves similarly to the linear sampler, but with easing functions at the beginning and/or end.


easeInExpo(beginValue: number, endValue: number): ScalarSampler easeInExpo(beginValue: Array<number>, endValue: Array<number>): ArrayOfScalarSamplers

Easing sampler. Behaves similarly to the linear sampler, but with easing functions at the beginning and/or end.


easeInOutBack(beginValue: number, endValue: number): ScalarSampler easeInOutBack(beginValue: Array<number>, endValue: Array<number>): ArrayOfScalarSamplers

Easing sampler. Behaves similarly to the linear sampler, but with easing functions at the beginning and/or end.


easeInOutBounce(beginValue: number, endValue: number): ScalarSampler easeInOutBounce(beginValue: Array<number>, endValue: Array<number>): ArrayOfScalarSamplers

Easing sampler. Behaves similarly to the linear sampler, but with easing functions at the beginning and/or end.


easeInOutCirc(beginValue: number, endValue: number): ScalarSampler easeInOutCirc(beginValue: Array<number>, endValue: Array<number>): ArrayOfScalarSamplers

Easing sampler. Behaves similarly to the linear sampler, but with easing functions at the beginning and/or end.


easeInOutCubic(beginValue: number, endValue: number): ScalarSampler easeInOutCubic(beginValue: Array<number>, endValue: Array<number>): ArrayOfScalarSamplers

Easing sampler. Behaves similarly to the linear sampler, but with easing functions at the beginning and/or end.


easeInOutElastic(beginValue: number, endValue: number): ScalarSampler easeInOutElastic(beginValue: Array<number>, endValue: Array<number>): ArrayOfScalarSamplers

Easing sampler. Behaves similarly to the linear sampler, but with easing functions at the beginning and/or end.


easeInOutExpo(beginValue: number, endValue: number): ScalarSampler easeInOutExpo(beginValue: Array<number>, endValue: Array<number>): ArrayOfScalarSamplers

Easing sampler. Behaves similarly to the linear sampler, but with easing functions at the beginning and/or end.


easeInOutQuad(beginValue: number, endValue: number): ScalarSampler easeInOutQuad(beginValue: Array<number>, endValue: Array<number>): ArrayOfScalarSamplers

Easing sampler. Behaves similarly to the linear sampler, but with easing functions at the beginning and/or end.


easeInOutQuart(beginValue: number, endValue: number): ScalarSampler easeInOutQuart(beginValue: Array<number>, endValue: Array<number>): ArrayOfScalarSamplers

Easing sampler. Behaves similarly to the linear sampler, but with easing functions at the beginning and/or end.


easeInOutQuint(beginValue: number, endValue: number): ScalarSampler easeInOutQuint(beginValue: Array<number>, endValue: Array<number>): ArrayOfScalarSamplers

Easing sampler. Behaves similarly to the linear sampler, but with easing functions at the beginning and/or end.


easeInOutSine(beginValue: number, endValue: number): ScalarSampler easeInOutSine(beginValue: Array<number>, endValue: Array<number>): ArrayOfScalarSamplers

Easing sampler. Behaves similarly to the linear sampler, but with easing functions at the beginning and/or end.


easeInQuad(beginValue: number, endValue: number): ScalarSampler easeInQuad(beginValue: Array<number>, endValue: Array<number>): ArrayOfScalarSamplers

Easing sampler. Behaves similarly to the linear sampler, but with easing functions at the beginning and/or end.


easeInQuart(beginValue: number, endValue: number): ScalarSampler easeInQuart(beginValue: Array<number>, endValue: Array<number>): ArrayOfScalarSamplers

Easing sampler. Behaves similarly to the linear sampler, but with easing functions at the beginning and/or end.


easeInQuint(beginValue: number, endValue: number): ScalarSampler easeInQuint(beginValue: Array<number>, endValue: Array<number>): ArrayOfScalarSamplers

Easing sampler. Behaves similarly to the linear sampler, but with easing functions at the beginning and/or end.


easeInSine(beginValue: number, endValue: number): ScalarSampler easeInSine(beginValue: Array<number>, endValue: Array<number>): ArrayOfScalarSamplers

Easing sampler. Behaves similarly to the linear sampler, but with easing functions at the beginning and/or end.


easeOutBack(beginValue: number, endValue: number): ScalarSampler easeOutBack(beginValue: Array<number>, endValue: Array<number>): ArrayOfScalarSamplers

Easing sampler. Behaves similarly to the linear sampler, but with easing functions at the beginning and/or end.


easeOutBounce(beginValue: number, endValue: number): ScalarSampler easeOutBounce(beginValue: Array<number>, endValue: Array<number>): ArrayOfScalarSamplers

Easing sampler. Behaves similarly to the linear sampler, but with easing functions at the beginning and/or end.


easeOutCirc(beginValue: number, endValue: number): ScalarSampler easeOutCirc(beginValue: Array<number>, endValue: Array<number>): ArrayOfScalarSamplers

Easing sampler. Behaves similarly to the linear sampler, but with easing functions at the beginning and/or end.


easeOutCubic(beginValue: number, endValue: number): ScalarSampler easeOutCubic(beginValue: Array<number>, endValue: Array<number>): ArrayOfScalarSamplers

Easing sampler. Behaves similarly to the linear sampler, but with easing functions at the beginning and/or end.


easeOutElastic(beginValue: number, endValue: number): ScalarSampler easeOutElastic(beginValue: Array<number>, endValue: Array<number>): ArrayOfScalarSamplers

Easing sampler. Behaves similarly to the linear sampler, but with easing functions at the beginning and/or end.


easeOutExpo(beginValue: number, endValue: number): ScalarSampler easeOutExpo(beginValue: Array<number>, endValue: Array<number>): ArrayOfScalarSamplers

Easing sampler. Behaves similarly to the linear sampler, but with easing functions at the beginning and/or end.


easeOutQuad(beginValue: number, endValue: number): ScalarSampler easeOutQuad(beginValue: Array<number>, endValue: Array<number>): ArrayOfScalarSamplers

Easing sampler. Behaves similarly to the linear sampler, but with easing functions at the beginning and/or end.


easeOutQuart(beginValue: number, endValue: number): ScalarSampler easeOutQuart(beginValue: Array<number>, endValue: Array<number>): ArrayOfScalarSamplers

Easing sampler. Behaves similarly to the linear sampler, but with easing functions at the beginning and/or end.


easeOutQuint(beginValue: number, endValue: number): ScalarSampler easeOutQuint(beginValue: Array<number>, endValue: Array<number>): ArrayOfScalarSamplers

Easing sampler. Behaves similarly to the linear sampler, but with easing functions at the beginning and/or end.


easeOutSine(beginValue: number, endValue: number): ScalarSampler easeOutSine(beginValue: Array<number>, endValue: Array<number>): ArrayOfScalarSamplers

Easing sampler. Behaves similarly to the linear sampler, but with easing functions at the beginning and/or end.


frame(numberOfFrames: number): ScalarSampler frame(numberOfFrames: number, startFrame: number): ScalarSampler frame(numberOfFrames: Array<number>): ArrayOfScalarSamplers frame(numberOfFrames: Array<number>, startFrame: Array<number>): ArrayOfScalarSamplers

Returns a sampler object that cyclically generates integer frame numbers in the range [0..numberOfFrames-1] as the attached driver's progress goes from 0.0 to 1.0.

If the startFrame is supplied, then the output values are shifted by that value.


HSVA(channelSamplers: ArrayOfScalarSamplers): ColorSampler

Returns a sampler that specifies a color by interpreting the provided samplers as HSVA channels, respectively.

The dimension of channelSamplers must be exactly 4. channelSamplers must be an instance of ArrayOfScalarSamplers, not a regular JS Array object.


linear(beginValue: number, endValue: number): ScalarSampler linear(beginValue: Array<number>, endValue: Array<number>): ArrayOfScalarSamplers

Returns a sampler object that generates values that change linearly from beginValue to endValue as the attached driver's progress goes from 0.0 to 1.0.


polybezier(config: { keyframes: Array<number>, knots: ?Array<number>, tangents: ?Array<number> }): ScalarSampler polybezier(config: { keyframes: Array<Array<number>>, knots: ?Array<number>, tangents: ?Array<Array<number>> }): ArrayOfScalarSamplers

Returns a sampler object that generates values of a piecewise cubic Bezier spline that goes through specified keyframes as the attached driver's progress goes from 0.0 to 1.0 through normalized knots points.

When tangents is specified, the curve is C1-smooth, otherwise the curve is C2-smooth and the second derivatives at the begin and end points are zero.

The dimensions of config.keyframes and config.knots, if specified, and config.tangents, if specified, arrays must be equal and have no less than 2 elements. The first element of config.knots, if specified, must always be zero. If config.knots is not specified then the knot sequence is defaulted to [0, 1, 2, ..., config.keyframes.length - 1].


polyline(config: { keyframes: Array<number>, knots: ?Array<number> }): ScalarSampler polyline(config: { keyframes: Array<Array<number>>, knots: ?Array<number> }): ArrayOfScalarSamplers polyline(config: { keyframes: Array<Rotation>, knots: ?Array<number> }): RotationSampler

Returns a sampler object that generates values that goes piecewise linearly through specified keyframes as the attached driver's progress goes from 0.0 to 1.0 through normalized knots points.

The dimensions of the config.keyframes and config.knots arrays, if specified, must be equal and be not less than 2. The first element of config.knots, if specified, must be zero. If config.knots is not specified then the knot sequence defaults to [0, 1, 2, ..., config.keyframes.length - 1].


RGBA(channelSamplers: ArrayOfScalarSamplers): ColorSampler

Returns a sampler that specifies a color by interpreting the provided samplers as RGBA channels, respectively.

The dimension of channelSamplers must be exactly 4. channelSamplers must be an instance of ArrayOfScalarSamplers, not a JavaScript Array object.


sequence(config: { samplers: Array<ScalarSampler>, knots: ?Array<number> }): ScalarSampler sequence(config: { samplers: Array<ArrayOfScalarSamplers>, knots: ?Array<number> }): ArrayOfScalarSamplers

Returns an animation sequence built from provided segments with respect to the optionally provided knots.

config.samplers must contain at least 2 elements. config.knots, if specified, must contain exactly config.samplers.length+1 elements. The first element of config.knots, when specified, must always be zero. If config.knots is not specified then the knot sequence defaults to [0, 1, 2, ..., config.samplers.length].

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