
The SceneObjectBase class describes a scene object.





(get) boundingBoxVisible: BoolSignal (set) (Not Available)

Represents whether or not the bounding box for the object is visible.


(get) cameraVisibility: CameraVisibility (set) (Not Available)

Represents the CameraVisibility that contains a set of flags that specify the scene object (and its descendants) visibility depending on the active camera.


(get) hidden: BoolSignal (set) hidden: BoolSignal

Specifies whether the scene object and its descendants are hidden.


(get) identifier: string (set) (Not Available)

Specifies the scene object unique identifier. This value is specified internally in AR Studio.


(get) materialIdentifier: string (set) (Not Available)

Specifies the unique material identifier assigned to scene object. This value is specified internally in AR Studio.


(get) name: string (set) (Not Available)

Specifies the scene object name. This is the unique identifier of the object within the list of its siblings (immediate child objects of the same parent object).

Note: the object name is specified in AR Studio UI during design time.

Note: the object name must only be unique withing the list of direct siblings. There can be more than object with the same name in the scene as soon as they have different parents.

See Also: SceneObjectBase.child, SceneObjectBase.find, SceneModule.root.


(get) outputVisibility: OutputVisibility (set) (Not Available)

Represents the OutputVisibility that contains a set of flags that specify the scene object (and its descendants) visibility depending on the output.


(get) parentWorldTransform: TransformSignal (set) (Not Available)

Specifies a TransformSignal object describing the parent's transformation relative to world coordinate system.


(get) transform: Transform (set) transform: TransformSignal

Represents the object transformation, in object's local coordinate system.


(get) worldTransform: WorldTransform (set) worldTransform: TransformSignal

Specifies a TransformSignal object describing the object's transformation relative to world coordinate system. World transform in not yet supported for Canvas and Legacy canvas. Accessing this property from such objects or any of their children is not allowed.





child(name: string): SceneObjectBase

Returns a child object by name. An exception is thrown if the object isn't found.

See Also: SceneObjectBase.find, SceneModule.root.


find(name: string): SceneObjectBase

Returns a descendant object by name. An exception is thrown if the object isn't found or if more than one is found.

Note: object D is considered to be a descendant of object P if either D is a child of P or if such an object C which is a child of P exists that D is a descendant of C.

See Also: SceneObjectBase.child, SceneModule.root.


findAll(name: string): Promise<Array<SceneObjectBase>> findAll(name: string, config:{ recursive: bool }): Promise<Array<SceneObjectBase>>

Returns a promise that is resolved with the all of the scene objects with given name or empty array if none was found.

recursive param of config controls whenever the find should be performed recursively (true by default). Empty array is returned in no objects are found.

See Also: SceneObjectBase.findFirst, SceneObjectBase.findByPath, SceneModule.root.


findByPath(pathQuery: string): Promise<Array<SceneObjectBase>> findByPath(pathQuery: string, config: {limit: number}): Promise<Array<SceneObjectBase>>

Returns a promise that is resolved with the all occurances of scene objects matching the path query or empty array if none was found.

Path query format: * matches any characters sequence. * as standalone component matches one level of the scene tree (i.e. any child) ** as standalone component matches any level of scene tree (will result in recursive find) / is a path component separator \ can be used to include in component name any of the control characters (including '\' itself)

Examples: findByPath("*") will match all the direct children of the caller. findByPath("*/A") will match all grandchildren of the caller named A. findByPath("**/A") will match all descendants of the caller named A. findByPath("A*") will match all children of the caller which name is prefixed with 'A', like 'ABC'. findByPath("**/*A*") will match all descendants of the caller which name contains 'A', like 'AX' and 'XA'. findByPath("**/A", {limit: 10}) will match at most first 10 descendants of the caller named A. findByPath("\\*") will match all children of the caller named *. findByPath("\\\\") will match all children of the caller named .

limit parameter describes if findByPath should finish the search if it finds specified number of results (default is no limit). Non-positive values for limit are treated as unlimited.

Note: object D is considered to be a descendant of object P if either D is a child of P or if such an object C which is a child of P exists that D is a descendant of C.

See Also: SceneObjectBase.findAll, SceneObjectBase.findFirst, SceneModule.root.


findFirst(name: string): Promise<SceneObjectBase> findFirst(name: string, config:{ recursive: bool }): Promise<SceneObjectBase>

Returns a promise that is resolved with the first occurance of scene object with given name or null if none was found. recursive param of config controls whenever the find should be performed recursively (true by default).

See Also: SceneObjectBase.findAll, SceneObjectBase.findByPath, SceneModule.root.

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