

abs(x: ScalarSignal): ScalarSignal Returns a signal with the value that is the absolute value of the given signal.

See Also: ScalarSignal.abs


acos(x: ScalarSignal): ScalarSignal

Returns a signal with the value that is the inverse cosine of the value of the given signal (interpreted as radians).


add(x: ScalarSignal, y: ScalarSignal): ScalarSignal add(x: PointSignal, y: VectorSignal): PointSignal add(x: VectorSignal, y: PointSignal): PointSignal add(x: VectorSignal, y: VectorSignal): VectorSignal

Returns a signal with the value that is the sum of the values of the given signals.

Note: add and sum functions are synonyms, the behavior they provide is equivalent.

See Also: ReactiveModule.sum, ScalarSignal.add, PointSignal.add, VectorSignal.add


and(lhs: BoolSignal, rhs: BoolSignal): BoolSignal

Returns a signal with the value that is the logical conjunction of the values of the given signals. It is true every time both input signals are true and false at all other times.

See Also: BoolSignal.and


andList(x: Array<BoolSignal>): BoolSignal

Returns a signal with the value that is the logical and of the values in an array


antiderivative(signal: ScalarSignal, config: {min: number, max: number, initialValue: number, overflowBehaviour: ReactiveModule.AntiderivativeOverflowBehaviour}): ScalarSignal

Returns a signal that estimates the anti derivative of the given signal with respect to time (measured in milliseconds).

Note: Since the antiderivative is inherently unbound the min/max parameters must be provided to prevent overflow. when overflowBehaviour is CLAMP the output is clamped at the min/max. When overflowBehaviour is WRAP the output is wrapped. This is useful when the output represents something that is cyclic like an angle in this case min might be 0, max might be 2*PI.


asin(x: ScalarSignal): ScalarSignal

Returns a signal with the value that is the inverse sine of the value of the given signal (interpreted as radians).


atan(x: ScalarSignal): ScalarSignal

Returns a signal with the value that is the inverse tangent of the value of the given signal (interpreted as radians).


atan2(y: ScalarSignal, x: ScalarSignal): ScalarSignal

Returns a signal with the value that is the angle in radians between the x-axis and the ray from (0, 0) to (x, y) where x and y are the values of the specified signals. The range is -PI to +PI.

See Also: ScalarSignal.atan2


ceil(x: ScalarSignal): ScalarSignal

Returns a signal with the value that is the smallest integer that is greater than or equal to the value of the given signal.

See Also: ScalarSignal.ceil


clamp(x: ScalarSignal, min: ScalarSignal, max: ScalarSignal): ScalarSignal

Returns a signal with the value that is the value of the given x signal constrained to lie between the values of the given min and max signals.

Note: The behavior is undefined if min is greater than max.


concat(lhs: StringSignal, rhs: StringSignal): StringSignal

Returns a StringSignal containing the concatenation of the values specified by the input signals.

See Also: StringSignal.concat


cos(x: ScalarSignal): ScalarSignal

Returns a signal with the value that is the cosine of the value of the given signal (interpreted as radians).


cross(v1: VectorSignal, v2: VectorSignal): VectorSignal

‌Returns a vector signal with the value that is the cross product of the given signals.

See Also:, ScalarSignal.mul, VectorSignal.mul


derivative(): ScalarSignal

‌Returns a signal that estimates the derivative of the given signal with respect to time (measured in milliseconds).

Note: the value of the derivative at the initial point of time is always set to zero.

Note: the returned signal might be noisy for certain types of input signals, especially those received from the face tracking. It is recommended to pass the input signal to expSmooth first with a damping constant in the range between 100 and 500.‌


distance(v1: PointSignal, v2: PointSignal): ScalarSignal

‌Returns the distance from the point to another point as a ScalarSignal


div(x: ScalarSignal, y: ScalarSignal): ScalarSignal

‌Returns a signal with the value that is the value of the first signal divided by the value of the second signal.

See Also: ScalarSignal.div


dot(v1: VectorSignal, v2: VectorSignal): ScalarSignal

‌Returns a scalar signal with the value that is the dot product of the given signals.

See Also: VectorSignal.cross, ScalarSignal.mul, VectorSignal.mul


eq(lhs: ScalarSignal, rhs: ScalarSignal): BoolSignal eq(lhs: StringSignal, rhs: StringSignal): BoolSignal eq(lhs: BoolSignal, rhs: BoolSignal): BoolSignal

Returns a Boolean signal that takes the value of true every time when the value of the left-hand-side signal is equal to the value of the right-hand-side one, and the value of false all other time. Note: the scalar values are tested for exact equality. For some applications it might be reasonable to perform a non-strict comparison allowing the values to be within a small distance one from another.

See Also: ScalarSignal.eq, StringSignal.eq, BoolSignal.eq


exp(x: ScalarSignal): ScalarSignal

Returns a signal with the value that is e (the Euler's constant 2.718...) to the power of the value of the given signal.‌


expSmooth(signal: ScalarSignal, dampFactor: number): ScalarSignal expSmooth(signal: PointSignal, dampFactor: number): PointSignal expSmooth(signal: VectorSignal, dampFactor: number): VectorSignal expSmooth(signal: TransformSignal, dampFactor: number): TransformSignal

Smoothes a variable signal using exponential averaging over time. The argument specifies the dampening time constant in milliseconds.

Note: See also ScalarSignal.expSmooth, PointSignal.expSmooth, VectorSignal.expSmooth, TransformSignal.expSmooth.

Note: The smoothed transformation for a signal that specifies a rigid body transformation is guaranteed to be a rigid body transformation. The rotation component is smoothed in spherical coordinates using Slerp (spherical linear interpolation).


floor(x: ScalarSignal): ScalarSignal

Returns a signal with the value that is the largest integer that is less than or equal to the value of the given signal.

See Also: ScalarSignal.floor


fromRange(x: ScalarSignal, min: ScalarSignal, max: ScalarSignal): ScalarSignal

Maps x from [min, max] range to [0.0, 1.0] range.


ge(lhs: ScalarSignal, rhs: ScalarSignal): BoolSignal

Returns a Boolean signal that takes the value of true every time when the value of the left-hand-side signal is greater than or equal to the value of the right-hand-side one, and the value of false all other time.

See Also:


gt(lhs: ScalarSignal, rhs: ScalarSignal): BoolSignal

Returns a Boolean signal that takes the value of true every time when the value of the left-hand-side signal is strictly greater than the value of the right-hand-side one, and the value of false all other time.

See Also:


HSVA(h: ScalarSignal, s: ScalarSignal, v: ScalarSignal, a: ScalarSignal): HsvaSignal

Combines four signals and returns the result as an HsvaSignal. Each value should be in the range between 0.0 and 1.0.

Note: Hue value is also specified in the range between 0.0 and 1.0.


le(lhs: ScalarSignal, rhs: ScalarSignal): BoolSignal

Returns a Boolean signal that takes the value of true every time when the value of the left-hand-side signal is less than or equal to the value of the right-hand-side one, and the value of false all other time.

See Also: ScalarSignal.le


log(x: ScalarSignal): ScalarSignal

Returns a signal with the value that is the natural logarithm of the value of the given signal.


lookAt(eyeTransform: TransformSignal, targetPosition: PointSignal): TransformSignal lookAt(eyeTransform: TransformSignal, targetPosition: PointSignal, eyeUp: VectorSignal): TransformSignal Default eyeUp is ReactiveModule.vector(0, 1, 0).

Creates a scene object transform with rotation in direction of target. Note: The eyeTransform needs to be pointing the scene object alongside the X axis.‌


lt(lhs: ScalarSignal, rhs: ScalarSignal): BoolSignal

Returns a Boolean signal that takes the value of true every time when the value of the left-hand-side signal is strictly less than the value of the right-hand-side one, and the value of false all other time.

See Also:


magnitude(v: VectorSignal): ScalarSignal

Returns the magnitude of the vector as a ScalarSignal.


max(x: ScalarSignal, y: ScalarSignal): ScalarSignal

Returns a signal with the value that is the greater of the values of the given signals.


min(x: ScalarSignal, y: ScalarSignal): ScalarSignal

Returns a signal with the value that is the lesser of the values of the given signals.


mix(x: ScalarSignal, y: ScalarSignal, alpha: ScalarSignal): ScalarSignal mix(x: PointSignal, y: PointSignal, alpha: ScalarSignal): PointSignal mix(x: VectorSignal, y: VectorSignal, alpha: ScalarSignal): VectorSignal mix(x: TransformSignal, y: TransformSignal, alpha: ScalarSignal): TransformSignal Returns a signal with the value that is the interpolation of the values of the given signals.


mod(x: ScalarSignal, y: ScalarSignal): ScalarSignal

Returns a signal with the value that is the floating-point remainder of the division of the value of the first signal by the value of the second signal.

See Also: ScalarSignal.mod


monitorMany(signals: { [name: string]: ScalarSignal}): EventSource monitorMany(signals: { [name: string]: ScalarSignal}, config: {fireOnInitialValue: ?boolean}): EventSource

Returns an EventSource that emits an event every time when any value of the input signals change. The event contains a JSON object with the old and new values in the format:

{ "oldValues": oldValues, "newValues": newValues }

where oldValues and newValues are the JSON objects where keys are the names of the signals and values are old or new values of that signals correspondingly.

Note: By default, there is no event fired for the initial value of the signal. If config.fireOnInitialValue is set to true then an event for initial signal value is also emitted. oldValues is unset for this initial event.

See Also: ReactiveModule.monitor


mul(x: ScalarSignal, y: ScalarSignal): ScalarSignal mul(x: VectorSignal, y: ScalarSignal): VectorSignal mul(x: ScalarSignal, y: VectorSignal): VectorSignal mul(x: VectorSignal, y: VectorSignal): VectorSignal

Returns a signal with the value that is the product of the values of the given signals.

See Also: ScalarSignal.mul, VectorSignal.mul


mulList(x: Array<number>): ScalarSignal

Returns a signal with the value that is the product of the values in an array


ne(lhs: ScalarSignal, rhs: ScalarSignal): BoolSignal ne(lhs: StringSignal, rhs: StringSignal): BoolSignal ne(lhs: BoolSignal, rhs: BoolSignal): BoolSignal

Returns a Boolean signal that takes the value of true every time when the value of the left-hand-side signal is not equal to the value of the right-hand-side one, and the value of false all other time.

Note: the scalar values are tested for exact equality. For some applications it might be reasonable to perform a non-strict comparison allowing the values to be within a small distance one from another.

See Also:,,


neg(x: ScalarSignal): ScalarSignal neg(x: VectorSignal): VectorSignal

Returns a signal with the negated value of the given signal.

See Also: ScalarSignal.neg, VectorSignal.neg


normalize(v: VectorSignal): VectorSignal normalize(): VectorSignal

Returns the normalized (unit) vector in the direction of the original vector as a VectorSignal.


not(signal: BoolSignal): BoolSignal

Returns a signal with the logically negated value of the given signal.

See Also: BoolSignal.not


once(): EventSource

Returns an EventSource that emits exactly one empty event as soon as possible.


or(lhs: BoolSignal, rhs: BoolSignal): BoolSignal

Returns a signal with the value that is the logical disjunction of the values of the given signals. It is true every time at least one of the input signals is true and false at all other times.

See Also: BoolSignal.or


orList(x: Array<BoolSignal>): BoolSignal

Returns a signal with the value that is the logical or of the values in an array


pack2(x: ScalarSignal, y: ScalarSignal): Point2DSignal pack2(x: ScalarSignal, y: Point2DSignal): PointSignal pack2(x: Point2DSignal, y: ScalarSignal): PointSignal pack2(x: ScalarSignal, y: PointSignal): Point4DSignal pack2(x: PointSignal, y: ScalarSignal): Point4DSignal pack2(x: Point2DSignal, y: Point2DSignal): Point4DSignal

Packs two Scalar or Point signals into a bigger Point signal.


pack3(x: ScalarSignal, y: ScalarSignal, z: ScalarSignal): PointSignal pack3(x: ScalarSignal, y: ScalarSignal, z: Point2DSignal): Point4DSignal pack3(x: ScalarSignal, y: Point2DSignal, z: ScalarSignal): Point4DSignal pack3(x: Point2DSignal, y: ScalarSignal, z: ScalarSignal): Point4DSignal

Packs three Scalar or Point signals into a bigger Point signal.


pack4(x: ScalarSignal, y: ScalarSignal, z: ScalarSignal, w: ScalarSignal): Point4DSignal

Packs four ScalarSignals into a Point4DSignal.


point(x: ScalarSignal, y: ScalarSignal, z: ScalarSignal): PointSignal

Combines three signals and returns the result as a PointSignal.


point2d(x: ScalarSignal, y: ScalarSignal): PixelPointSignal

Combines two signals and returns the result as a PixelPointSignal.


pow(base: ScalarSignal, exponent: ScalarSignal): ScalarSignal

Returns a signal with the value that is the base signal raised to the power of the exponent signal.

The result is undefined if the base is negative, or if the base is zero and the exponent is not positive.

See Also: ScalarSignal.pow


reflect(incident: VectorSignal, normal: VectorSignal): VectorSignal reflect(normal: VectorSignal): VectorSignal

Calculates the reflection direction for an incident vector and a normal as a VectorSignal.‌


RGBA(r: ScalarSignal, g: ScalarSignal, b: ScalarSignal, a: ScalarSignal): RgbaSignal

Combines four signals and returns the result as an RgbaSignal. Each value should be in the range between 0.0 and 1.0.

Note: RGB components are interpreted in sRGB space.‌


rotation(w: number, x: number, y: number, z: number): Rotation

Creates 'Rotation' from quaternion components.‌


round(x: ScalarSignal): ScalarSignal

Returns a signal with the value that is the rounded value of the given signal.

Note: When the fractional part is 0.5, it rounds the number away from zero, which is at odds with JavaScript standard behavior of rounding it always up in such cases. Therefore, this function is NOT exactly the reactive counterpart of the standard JavaScript Math.round utility.

See Also: ScalarSignal.round


scale(x: ScalarSignal, y: ScalarSignal, z: ScalarSignal): ScaleSignal

Combines three signals and returns the result as a ScaleSignal.


schmittTrigger(signal: ScalarSignal, config: { low: number, high: number, initialValue: ?boolean}): BoolSignal

Returns a Boolean signal that is true when the input is strictly greater than the upper threshold, and false when it is strictly less than the lower threshold. For input values between and including the thresholds, the Shmitt trigger returns the same value as at the previous update, or initialValue if this is the first update.

Note: The initialValue is assumed to be false if it isn't specified.


sign(x: ScalarSignal): ScalarSignal

Returns a signal with the value that is the sign of the given signal. Possible sign values: NaN, -0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 1.0.

Note: this function is the reactive counterpart of the standard JavaScript Math.sign utility.

See Also: ScalarSignal.sign


sin(x: ScalarSignal): ScalarSignal

Returns a signal with the value that is the sine of the value of the given signal (interpreted as radians).


smoothStep(x: ScalarSignal, edge0: ScalarSignal, edge1: ScalarSignal): ScalarSignal

Returns 0.0 if x is less than edge0, and 1.0 if x is greater than edge1. If x is between edge0 and edge1, smooth Hermite interpolation is performed.


sqrt(x: ScalarSignal): ScalarSignal

Returns a signal with the value that is the square root of the value of the given signal.

See Also: ScalarSignal.sqrt


step(x: ScalarSignal, edge: ScalarSignal): ScalarSignal

Returns 0.0 if x is less than edge, and 1.0 is returned otherwise.


sub(x: ScalarSignal, y: ScalarSignal): ScalarSignal sub(x: PointSignal, y: VectorSignal): PointSignal sub(x: VectorSignal, y: VectorSignal): VectorSignal sub(x: PointSignal, y: PointSignal): VectorSignal

Returns a signal with the value that is the difference of the values of the given signals.

See Also: ScalarSignal.sub, VectorSignal.sub, PointSignal.sub


sum(x: ScalarSignal, y: ScalarSignal): ScalarSignal sum(x: PointSignal, y: VectorSignal): PointSignal sum(x: VectorSignal, y: PointSignal): PointSignal sum(x: VectorSignal, y: VectorSignal): VectorSignal

Returns a signal with the value that is the sum of the values of the given signals.

Note: add and sum functions are synonyms, the behavior they provide is equivalent.

See Also: ReactiveModule.sum, ScalarSignal.add, PointSignal.add, VectorSignal.add


sumList(x: Array<number>): ScalarSignal

Returns a signal with the value that is the sum of the values in an array


switch(condition: StringSignal, map: { [case: string]: string}, default : string): StringSignal

Returns a signal which at any point of time takes the value of one of the elements in the provided map, or the provided default value, depending on the momentary value of the given condition Signal.‌


tan(x: ScalarSignal): ScalarSignal

Returns a signal with the value that is the tangent of the value of the given signal (interpreted as radians).


toRange(x: ScalarSignal, min: ScalarSignal, max: ScalarSignal): ScalarSignal

Maps x from [0.0, 1.0] range to [min, max] range.‌


val(constant: number): ScalarSignal val(constant: string): StringSignal val(constant: boolean): BoolSignal

Returns a signal that has a constant value which is specified by the argument.

Note: Primitive types are implicitly converted to constant signals when passed as function or property-setter arguments, therefore using val in such scenarios is not required.


vector(x: ScalarSignal, y: ScalarSignal, z: ScalarSignal): VectorSignal Combines three signals and returns the result as a VectorSignal.


xor(lhs: BoolSignal, rhs: BoolSignal): BoolSignal Returns a signal with the value that is the logical exclusive disjunction of the values of the given signals. It is true every time exactly one of the input signals is true and false at all other times. Note: It is equivalent to See Also: BoolSignal.xor


xorList(x: Array<BoolSignal>): BoolSignal Returns a signal with the value that is the logical xor of the values in an array

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