
The HandTrackingModule class enables hand tracking.


// The following example demonstrates how to bind the position of a plane to a
// hand.
// Project setup:
// - Insert a plane

// Load in the required modules
const HandTracking = require('HandTracking');
const Scene = require('Scene');

// Locate the plane and focal distance in the Scene
const plane = Scene.root.find('plane0');
const focalDistance = Scene.root.find('Focal Distance');

// Store a reference to a detected hand
const hand = HandTracking.hand(0);

// Store the z-axis position signal of the focal distance
const focalDistanceZPosition = focalDistance.transform.z;

// Bind the cameraTransform of the hand to the plane's transform
plane.transform = hand.cameraTransform;

// Additionally overwrite the z-axis values with distance taken into account
plane.transform.z = hand.cameraTransform.z.sub(focalDistanceZPosition);

// Bind the hidden property of the plane to a boolean signal that returns true
// when no hands have been detected
plane.hidden = HandTracking.count.eq(0);




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